Aldenham School, Founded 1597

Entrance Exams

When you have registered your son or daughter we will take you through the procedure with regard to entrance examinations and the formal offer of a place.

Entrance examinations take place in January for both 11+ and 13+ entry.

Entrance at 11+
At the 11+ entrance point, there are approximately 80 places available.

Examination date:  6 January 2025 

Our 11+ assessment (for entry into Year 7 in September 2025) will take place on Monday 6 January 2025.

Applicants should have attained the age of eleven before September 1st in the year of entry. Places are offered on the basis of a satisfactory performance at the 11+ examination, interview and school report. The entrance examination is held during the Spring Term and the aim is to test the skills of the candidates whatever their background.

With immediate effect, we have changed the format of our 11+ entrance test, with GL Assessments being our test provider. Applicants are required to sit two papers:

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning and Maths
  • Verbal Skills

Each paper is an hour in duration and pupils are given an answer grid on which to indicate their answers.

To help prepare your child for our 11+ test, please take a look at the following materials:

Entrance procedure: - selection is by way of (a) a reference from the child’s current school, (b) performance in the entrance test and (c) an interview with a senior member of staff (this may take place before or after the entrance tests and, for later applicants, our ability to interview is dependent on performance in the entrance test)

To arrange a tour or interview please click here

All candidates must have completed a Registration Form (cut-off date 1st December).

Entrance at 13+

Examination date:  January 2025- in Maths, English, a Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish), Science and Verbal Reasoning.

Sample papers:- English 13+Maths 13+; Science 13+; French 13+Spanish 13+

Entrance procedure: - selection is by way of (a) a reference from the child’s current school, (b) performance in the entrance test and (c) an interview with a senior member of staff (this may take place before or after the entrance tests and, for later applicants, our ability to interview is dependent on performance in the entrance test)

To arrange a tour please click here

All candidates must have completed a Registration Form (cut-off date 1st December).

Part of the
Aldenham Foundation