Aldenham School, Founded 1597


Fees 2024/25:

Registration Fee £150
UK Deposit £1,500; EU Deposit £3,000; Non-EU Deposit one term's fees

£7,197 - £9,238 per term (day)

£14,297 per term (boarding)

Day pupils (11+)

Day pupils (13+)

Full Boarders (13+)





For more information click here.


  • The Registration Fee is payable at the time a boy or girl is registered and before an offer of a place can be made.
  • During the year in which a boy or girl is due to enter the School, an acceptance deposit of £1,500 is payable to be set off against the final term's extras bill. For overseas students the deposit is a term's fees and again this is set off against the final term's extras bill, and the balance returned. Otherwise the deposit will be returned only when the School has to cancel the entry as a result of exam performance or for health or other reasons as specified in the Standard Terms and Conditions.
  • For convenience the annual fee is payable termly in advance in three equal amounts and may be paid either in full by termly Direct Debit, bank transfer, cheque or on a monthly basis through a **Schools Fees Plan scheme. 
    * If the fees are not paid by the due date the School reserves the right to impose a surcharge or to require that a boy or girl leave the School until the relevant fees are paid.  A term’s notice must be given if it is necessary for a boy or girl to leave the School, otherwise a full term’s fees in lieu of notice will be payable, notwithstanding any increase there may have been from the above date. A term’s notice must also be given for a change of status from boarding to day, and a half a term’s notice for other changes.
  • The School can provide details of schemes involving lump sum payment of fees in advance and is always ready to discuss other ways of providing for school fees.

* Any other method of payment must be individually agreed with the School.

The Aldenham Foundation is an appointed representative of Premium Credit Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. **School Fee Plan is a trading style of Premium Credit Limited.

Part of the
Aldenham Foundation