Aims and Ethos

The Aldenham Model of Education

Around 90% of what schools say they do is very similar. The reality, in terms of if they actually do these things, and how well they do them, can only be found by digging deeper. Here, we explain our Model of Education and how this shapes our Aims and Ethos. Oh, and yes, we do exactly what we claim to do!


What Do We Hope To Achieve?

At Aldenham we educate young people so that they may flourish personally, in order to succeed academically and thereby contribute positively towards the world of their time. Our core values are expressed in the Aldenham Attributes of Aspiration, Co-operation, Courage, Curiosity, Independence and Respect.



The Aldenham Model of Education

Our ethos is expressed in the Aldenham Model of Education, at the heart of which lies the development and well-being of every child. Our approach is one that creates Autonomy, Belonging, Competence and Purpose, all of which are essential for human thriving. Bringing these together drives the positive cycle of motivation and success, spurring each child on to succeed in ways that may look and feel different for everyone. Three areas of school life, academic, co-curricular and pastoral interlock, providing our students with opportunities to learn, progress and excel. Drawing on the Foundation’s boarding heritage every student is known and enjoys recognition for their contribution to their community of peers and adults, who care about them as individuals.
