A Level Certificate Presentation Evening
January 2, 2019
The Class of 2018 returned to Aldenham in December to celebrate their A Level success with their parents, friends and teachers.
The evening began with a short, formal presentation, when the Headmaster spoke about each individual student, highlighting their distinct characters and the valuable contribution they had made to Aldenham during their schooldays. He presented them with their certificates, to rousing applaud and then former Head Girl 2017/18, Phoebe Altman, Paull’s & Ridings 2011-18, said a few words on behalf of her year group. She expressed surprise at how much they miss Aldenham, even the buildings! President of the OA Society, James James-Crook (McGill’s 1968-72) took to the floor to welcome new members of the unique organisation that they now belong to. He highlighted the benefits of networking with people who have the Aldenham connection and shared his own experience of time at the School, which inspired his choice of further education and eventually his successful and enjoyable career as a fine art consultant and auctioneer.
Following the presentation drinks were served and there was a chance to mingle like old times, but without the pressure of getting back to class or preparing for exams. It was a very special occasion and set the scene for a new Aldenham tradition.
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