A wide variety of music at the Informal Concert
February 24, 2016
A wide variety of music has been enjoyed by a large audience of parents and staff at the Informal Concert held in the Chapel. The newly formed Junior Band began with a very uplifting rendition of The Flintstones moving through Nasiya Narrandes on the piano, Jared Syed on the trombone, Alex Freeborn playing Prelude by Charpentier on the trumpet, Joon Han on the viola, Toby Freeman playing the electric guitar and Abigail Smuts on the flute. Adding to these superb individual performances were Kiran Chudasama playing River Flows in You on the piano and Abigail James playing a very complicated 1st Movement from the Violin Concerto No. 1 op 26 by Max Brunch, accompanied by Mr Wyatt.
Callum Lacey, accompanied by Harry Hosier-Beeson on guitar, sang a moving rendition of Stitches by Shawn Mendes. Adam Hope sang a medley of songs requiring an array of vocals and playing the guitar simultaneously which the audience appreciated. William Kerley sang Hallelujah in a manner which belied his years. The Lion King and Chicago were performed by the Concert Band, the Orchestra performed Minuet from L’arlesienne Suite and Cantabile sang Autumn Leaves, a piece selected to show the fantastic range of vocals in this group.
Geogia Lowe beautifully singing Sights, London Grammar, Natasha Livingstone singing a very powerful O Mio Babino Caro, Puccini and Max Weil, as our dramatic tenor singing E lucevan le stele from Tosca, Puccini did justice to the acoustics in the chapel.
Senior Strings closed the Concert with 1st Movement from the Brook Green Suite by Gustav Holt and 1st Movement from the Suite for Strings by John Rutter.
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