Aldenham School, Founded 1597


Fees from January 2025

Please note - The UK Government has announced that Independent School Fees will be subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) from January 2025. Prospective parents should be aware that Aldenham is publishing below the fees as from January 2025, but these are subject to change from September 2025. As always, we advise parents to take independent financial advice when considering committing to paying fees of this nature to ensure ongoing affordability and to prevent disruption to the child's education.

All figures below INCLUDE VAT where we believe it is applicable. Payment of fees is subject to our Standard Terms and Conditions.

Admission Fees

Registration Fee

Payable on registration and non refundable.


Acceptance Deposit

Payable for each student on acceptance of a place and set off against the final term's extra's bill (and the balance refunded). This is not refunded if the place is not taken up.


International Acceptance Deposit (staying one to two terms)

Payable for each student whose parents reside overseas or do not have UK settled status and who are not normally resident in the UK at the time of acceptance. This is set off against the final term's extras bill (and the balance refunded). This is not refunded if the place is not taken up.


International Acceptance Deposit (staying one year or more)

Payable for each student whose parents reside overseas or do not have UK settled status and who are not normally resident in the UK at the time of acceptance. This is set off against the final term's extras bill (and the balance refunded). This is not refunded if the place is not taken up.

One Term's Fees

VISA Compliance

For children who require a Child Student Visa to study in the UK, an additional Immigration Compliance Administration Fee is charged for application and renewal


Day and Boarding Termly and Annual Fees (Including VAT)

The Governors have decided that the staged fee structure you see below, containing a differential between the Year 7-8 fee and the Year 9-13 fee, will cease from September 2025. This staged structure does not reflect the offering to the different ages, which is entirely comparable. Therefore, from September 2025, there will be a flattened fee structure in which all year groups are charged the same from years 7-13. To facilitate this, and ever mindful of the cost to parents, the Year 7 and 8 fee will rise, and the Year 9-13 fee will drop, so that the overall fee burden on the parent will be the same. The structure below, therefore, will apply from January 2025 - August 2025 only. Please note that all individual fees listed below are subject to change for September 2025, in addition to the change to the flattened structure, and will be published in the Summer term.


Age Group

Per Term or Part Thereof

Per Year

 Day Student

Years 7 - 8

Years 9 - 13





1 night per week

Years 7 - 8

Years 9 - 13





2 nights per week

Years 7 - 8

Years 9 - 13





3 nights per week

Years 7 - 8

Years 9 - 13





4 nights per week

Years 7 - 8

Years 9 - 13





5 nights per week

Years 7 - 8

Years 9 - 13





Full Boarder
6 or 7 nights per week

Years 7 - 8

Years 9 - 13





The fees include the cost of stationery, the use of ordinary text books and apparatus, and access to all facilities. A cooked lunch is provided for all as part of the fees, and flexi-boarders and full boarders benefit from breakfast and evening meals on the days they are boarding.

Additional Charges

We aim to keep additional charges to a minimum, to enable families to budget effectively. However, inevitably there are some additional extras which differ from student to student and these are itemised and added to the termly bill.

All students are required to wear the School uniform, which is purchased from the School Shop. All students are required to lease a School Windows Surface Device. The device rental (different for different year groups owing to specification) is charged as an extra on the termly bill at an additional cost per term (ranging from £85 to £105). As with other independent schools, public examination fees are set by exam boards and are charged separately, as the wide variety of options and papers sat differ from case to case. Private instrumental tuition is charged extra, as is use of School transport. Some trips and excursions, and some specific co-curricular activities also carry a charge. This list is not exhaustive. In all cases where something may carry an additional charge, parents are informed in advance.

Payment of Fees

We provide various options for the payment of fees.

They can be collected termly by direct debit, or nine month direct debit (3 months each term). We do offer a Fees In Advance scheme if parents wish to pay for the whole year or more in advance. We do offer a discount under such circumstances. 

If parents wish to pay monthly, we have an arrangement with School Fee Plan who can facilitate this service.

The Aldenham Foundation is an appointed representative of Premium Credit Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. School Fee Plan is a trading style of Premium Credit Limited.

Part of the
Aldenham Foundation