Carols at St Albans Abbey
December 8, 2015
The Aldenham School carol service at St Albans Cathedral was a wonderful occasion to help draw the Christmas term to a close. As coaches descended upon St Albans, candles were lit and the lights turned down, the service began in an atmosphere of expectation. Choir pieces, combined with beautiful solos and an outstanding arrangement of brass and musicians, ensured that the service was filled with joy and life as we listened to readings of hope that God understands our world and the situations that we face in it.
Thanks in particular must be given to Mr John Wyatt, Director of Music and his assistant, Mr Sam Austin. Staff and pupils from the music department and bell ringing activities group arranged the music and carols, played the cathedral organ and led the ringing of the cathedral bells. Thanks also to all who delivered the readings and prayers and for everyone who supported the evening.
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