Charity Fun Day

May 6, 2022

Last Friday we held a Charity Fun Day. Pupils were invited to wear mufti to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). We also held ‘Summer Fair’ style activities at lunchtime in aid of the DEC Ukraine Appeal.  As the external exams started this week, we felt it would be great opportunity to have a fun charity day before the exams started.

We had food and drink, pick ‘n’ mix sweets, blue and yellow nail painting, penalty shoot outs, knock the tin over, hoopla, and the main event was Sponge the Teacher!  Mr Fowler was an amazing sport agreeing to have wet sponges thrown at him for £1 for charity.

  The whole event was a great success. Everyone had a lot of fun and we believe that we have now reached our £20,000 target thanks to the generosity of pupils and parents.

Thank you!

Revd Jos Perris – Foundation Chaplain

Also in Charity

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JUN 18, 2021

Palaces on Wheels Update

Mr Harte and Mr Williams have now completed this amazing challenge. If you wish to show your support please see the links below. Mr Harte’s Donation Page Mr William’s Donation Page  

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APR 23, 2021

Charity Boots

Under the lead of Mr Cornock we have partnered up with this charity to help supply unwanted football boots and astro-turf trainers across the world. Website link below. We are asking pupils to donate old unwanted boots for the next 3 weeks.

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SEP 27, 2019

The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

Thank you to McGill’s House for hosting another scrumptious Macmillan Coffee Morning which has already raised an amazing £1,084 and still counting! The delicious cakes were quickly snapped up by staff, students and parents. This brings the total raised at Aldenham over the last six years to around £8.000 for this worthwhile and amazing charity […]

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