
Drama and Theatre at Aldenham

From academic study and formal qualifications, to productions just for fun, there is something for everyone
at Aldenham. The opportunity to take part in shows of staggering quality far superior to the archetypal
‘school play’ is not to be underestimated. For many, these are occasions which shape their future.

  • All pupils have the opportunity to audition for a major production specifically targeted to their age group so that large roles are not just for the older students. Additionally there are two keenly contended House Drama competitions each year. For those pupils who opt into Drama GCSE and A level there are also examination performances. Being involved in a production gives confidence-building skills and a sense of achievement within a creative team context.
  • The well-equipped purpose-built theatre encourages pupils to perform as if on a professional stage to an appreciative audience. The high specification resources also allow the more technically minded pupils to participate as stage crew in the areas of light, sound and staging.
  • High quality production values allow our pupils to take to the stage confident that they look the part and that what they achieve is important to the whole school community.
  • West End theatre trips, together with visits from touring theatre companies, support and extend pupils’ knowledge and understanding of particular plays, acting and design styles, and production values in general.
  • The most gifted pupils achieve national success with the National Youth Theatre, to which they are encouraged and supported to apply. Pupils successfully apply to accredited Drama Schools to train professionally in acting or technical theatre.
“Aldenham School provides a wonderful environment for its pupils. The staff are friendly, organised and take time to get to know each pupil and their individuality. Every effort is made to make learning enjoyable and rewarding. Communication between the school and home is excellent and help is always at hand and nothing seems too much trouble.”