House Music 2024
October 21, 2024
House Music never fails to leave me genuinely joyful, at the sight of so much energy, talent and creativity, all channelled positively to bring us such a special evening.
What an outstanding event! Inevitably it also leaves the school with enough material for debate about the rights and wrongs of the final adjudication for the next eleven months, until rehearsals start again next September. I am delighted of course for all the performers who know that they ‘placed’ in their categories; their musicianship and professionalism were so impressive. I am proud of everyone, however, who puts themselves forward to take on a role in this, the most high-profile of our competitions, especially soloists and conductors, whatever the final outcome for their House. Not only is there the tension on the day itself to consider, but for conductors also the challenge of motivating, cajoling and possibly remonstrating with one’s peers in daily rehearsals crammed into lunch hours and morning breaks, in order to produce the exuberant, committed performances that we saw last night.
Mrs A Hems – Head of The Aldenham Foundation
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