MP visits Aldenham School
On Friday 12th May Hertsmere MP, Oliver Dowden, took time out from his busy election schedule to come to Aldenham School. He was able to talk to a number of GCSE and A Level History and Politics students starting with a short resume about his past, his origins locally in Park Street and his time at Parmiter's School. He then offered to answer questions on any topic whatsoever, and was given a tough grilling on a range of issues including North Korea, Brexit, working with two Prime Ministers, his voting when party and personal beliefs differ - and all in less than thirty minutes.
This was followed by a quick lunch with the Heads of all three Foundation Schools and the Chairman of Governors, Mr Trevor Barton. Before he left there was just time for a short visit to Aldenham Prep School where the electorate of 2025 in the form of their School Council and that of St Hilda’s School engaged him in discussion in the School Library.
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