Aldenham School, Founded 1597

OA Day Reunion 2015

The sun shone brightly for OA Day at Aldenham as over 130 Old Aldenhamians returned to School, for some it was their first time back since leaving, 30 years ago or more. The focus this year was on McGill's House and most of those who attended the celebration were Old McGillians from every decade since the 1930s right up to 2014, ages ranged from 18 to 92.

After meeting for coffee in The Wells Centre, Sixth Form Common Room, which many remembered as the School Shop and Tuck Shop, there was an opportunity to look around McGill's House, where a very warm welcome awaited from the Housemaster, Mike Yeabsley (CR2008-Present), his wife Clare, (nee McCarty K1988-90) and their family. A group of current pupils had also given up their Sunday lie-in to act as Ambassadors and talk about their experiences at Aldenham today.

During a Service of Thanksgiving in the Chapel, the newly installed memorial listing the names of OAs killed in World War II was dedicated. Martin Stephen (SHE1949-53), whose father, Alfred Bodger Grant Stephen (SH1913-19) is commemorated, laid a wreath at the foot of the memorial as a sign of respect and gratitude for the price paid.

The Headmaster, James Fowler, and the President of the OA Society, Neil Sutherland addressed the guests during a drinks reception before heading off to the Dining Hall for a splendid lunch. The afternoon was spent reminiscing and taking in the familiar surroundings. There was a lot to see, with a Junior Fives tournament in play, an art exhibition set up and a 20/20 cricket match to watch on Top Field. Tea and cakes were served to round of the day at the Cricket Pavilion before bidding farewell to friends, old and new.

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