The House System

Aldenham School House System

All students belong to one of six Senior Houses or two Junior Houses and can be
either day pupils or boarders.

We seek to provide a structure in which all of our students can be educated as individuals, not as one of the herd. The House is a primary focus in all this. This is where they will live and work when not in the classroom or on the sports field.

A Housemaster or Housemistress oversees the progress of about sixty students, each of whom is assigned a personal tutor who looks after the pupils in one year group. It is in the House that pivotal friendships are formed; in the House where an individual’s characteristics can be known and appreciated by pupils and teachers alike.

There are four boarding Houses; McGill’s, Beevor’s and Kennedy’s which are for boys and Paull’s House for the girls. There are two day Houses (Riding’s for girls and Leeman’s for boys) and two Junior Houses (Martineau’s and Woodrow’s for both boys and girls). As well as taking full part in the sporting, cultural and academic life of the School the boys and girls within each House will also help run and support events within their own House.

The House system promotes a family atmosphere. We aim, through emphasis on the pastoral care of individuals, to ensure that each pupil reaches his/her potential whether academically, socially or in the many cultural, musical and sporting activities available.