What a Phab Weekend at Aldenham

May 21, 2019

38 Aldenham School students, supported by staff, took on the responsibility of caring for 13 boys and girls with special needs at the residential Phab weekend which is held each year at the School. Phab is a charity that provides opportunities for young people with disabilities to spend time doing fun activities with able-bodied teenagers.

The busy programme of events included making superhero masks and picture frames, baking and decorating cookies, a visit to Aldenham Country Park to see the animals and spend time in the play area, swimming at St Hilda’s Prep School and a big fancy dress party to round it all off on Sunday. The School was also delighted to welcome back Electric Umbrella for a great interactive session of music and dance on the Saturday morning that ensured that everyone had a wonderful time.

The Aldenham Year 12 students showed what wonderful hosts, caring friends and brilliant students they all are. They did themselves, their parents and the School very proud.

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