Aldenham School, Founded 1597


The challenges of modern life are creating an increasingly difficult world for children to navigate. Building a fundamental toolkit to regulate their own behaviour helps to develop resilience, mental resourcefulness, and adaptability. Students who can STEER effectively are likely to see reduced levels of anxiety and a better ability to manage their own environment through life. The STEER assessment was founded by Dr Simon and Dr Jo Walker to build a new generation of social-emotional applications to prepare young people with the human skills to thrive in life. Combining education and psychology backgrounds they set out to solve three big challenges.

 First, how to identify young people with mental health risks early, and before they need specialist support.

Second, how to reliably measure the impact of schools on students social-emotional development.

Third, how to empower young people with skills to steer the road of adolescence for themselves.

 At Aldenham School we are using STEER to help us track and support the mental wellbeing of our students with positive results already visible across the year groups. The short assessment provides staff with a snapshot of how the student is coping with the various challenges of young adulthood which allows the right support to be put in place early. We are very pleased that STEER has recognised the success with which this program has been implemented here at Aldenham and we look forward to it continuing to support the outstanding pastoral care we have always offered.

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