Talk on the Protection of Wild Gorillas
Les Philosophes welcomed Ian Redmond OBE, the famed naturalist and animal preservation expert, to speak about the protection of wild gorillas.
Mr Redmond, the chairman of the Gorilla Organisation, was joined by his colleague Jillian Miller, the organisation's executive director, and spoke to the whole school during chapel followed by a deeper discussion in the Apthorp Room. Gorilla numbers are under huge threat and the talk focused on how we can help their numbers thrive, most notably by preserving their natural habitat, the rainforests, as this will in turn help the world's eco-systems.
The speakers were again pushed and probed by the Les Philosophes members who enjoyed this lecture covering a completely different topic to previous talks which allowed them a glimpse into a different world.
The next talk is scheduled for February 22 and will be about starting up businesses led by the team behind Beeline cycling navigation.
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