Aldenham School, Founded 1597

6th Form

An extensive programme of A Levels is available for both boys and girls in our Sixth Form.

Most students in the Sixth Form follow a two-year course involving three A Level subjects taken in a linear fashion with no completed public examinations at the end of Year 12. This structure enables suitable depth of study and the necessary maturity of approach to be developed during the course. Some students have the opportunity to study four A Levels, but for others there are a range of subsidiary courses in areas of wider interest or further development. Students also have the opportunity to take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), which is highly regarded by universities. Beyond the academic, there istargeted support with applications for University and Degree Apprenticeships and there is timetabled and extensive careers programme.

Sixth Form Subject Ambassadors
I am excited to announce the launch of the Sixth Form Subject Ambassadors. This is a new initiative in the Sixth Form that gives students in Year 12 the ability to become a representative of a subject of their choice and continue working as the ambassador for that subject throughout their time in Year 13 as well. Subject ambassadors will be involved in different activities within each department and will be responsible for working with teachers and Heads of Department to promote their subjects. They will be present during events like Open Mornings and Information Evenings to passionately discuss why they have chosen to study this subject and why they have applied to become the ambassador. This is a very good opportunity for our students because it gives them the chance to explore subjects of interest in more depth and supports them in university and career choices. Moreover, the responsibility that comes with the role helps students build resilience and prepares them for life after Sixth Form.
The students have worked very hard during this process because they had to write cover letters indicating their interest in the role and in some cases, they had to be interviewed by the Heads of Department. All the students showed amazing professionalism and dedication and I am so proud of them for challenging themselves to apply for this role.

Mrs Farah Abdel Karim - Acting Head of Sixth Form

Physics Ambassador

My name is Yelena Wavamunno. I am an overseas boarder from Uganda and I applied to be a Physics Ambassador driven by my profound love for space, machinery and all things physics related. Becoming an ambassador is an opportunity to share this enthusiasm among peers and prospective students joining the Aldenham community. I envision organising engaging workshops in available activities slots, demonstrations and outreach programs such as the upcoming astronomy club on Wednesdays to make complex concepts accessible and intriguing to a range of age groups. By creating an interactive environment, I aim to persuade more students, especially young aspiring girls, to broaden their knowledge in the subject and pursue it at a higher level as I feel strongly that women in STEM are often underrepresented in the community and should be pushed to follow their interests regardless of other’s opinions

Biology Ambassador

My name is Dylan Weitzkorn.  I applied to be the Biology Subject Ambassador because I would like to study biology at university with the further goal of working in pharmaceuticals. My interest in the subject stems from a young age and constant curiosity then and now. Biology helps tackle societal challenges such as biodiversity loss and combatting diseases. This opportunity excites me because it allows me to immerse further into the subject and engage with other students.

Next term I hope to implement a Biology mailbox where younger students can input their questions and older students can give feedback such as help with homework.

October 2023

Returning to the Sixth Form for Year 13 has been busy! Immediately jumping into our predicted grade exams on 4 September really pushed us to revise hard over summer and meant that we had to pick up the pace very quickly!

Once we returned to lessons after a week of exams, however, we got back into the swing of the Sixth Form’s social aspect and settled into the routines of our final year at school. Year 13 is certainly a challenging time with coursework pressure, university applications, EPQ deadlines and tough A Level content, but it is a rewarding one nonetheless, particularly as we start to plan our future beyond Aldenham. We have been provided with a wonderful, newly renovated Sixth Form common room, and our increased independence and Private Study periods mean that we feel more mature than ever before.

Alongside keeping up with the rigours of Year 13 studies, we are also nearing the completion of our UCAS applications, finalising our personal statements and narrowing down our university choices. This is a significant time for all Year 13s which can feel overwhelming, but luckily we have been given immense support for this; only last week twenty of us stayed after school to take part in a Personal Statement workshop.

While it is fair to say that Year 13 are feeling the pressure – particularly whilst we wait nervously for our UCAS predicted grades – we do have the privileges of being a Sixth Former keeping us going. We have more Private Study periods to work on our super-curricular activities and develop our knowledge of our A Level subjects, and we look forward to the upcoming black tie Year 13 Sixth Form Dinner on Friday 13 October which is always a memorable evening. Year 13 isn’t all exams, university applications and deadlines. There are fun times, good memories and lots of planning and preparation for the future!

Ralph Ritchie and Maarya Mirza, Year 13

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Aldenham Foundation