Out and about with the Art Department

October 17, 2016

Always on the look out for inspiration for their Art projects, our students are exposed to lots of external influences. Fortunately they don’t have to go far from Aldenham to gain stimulus when they visit the many London galleries, museums and surrounding exhibition sites.

Natural History Museum: In September, Year 11 visited the Natural History Museum to research, sketch and photograph sources for their GCSE Coursework. Their main project is about Animals so the main Mammals room was a great place to collect ideas for their practical work. Students will use their research to create sketchbook pages of their visit and base practical work on their primary sources.

Henry Moore: Year 10 visited the Henry Moore gardens and studio at Perry Green in September. Their visit marked the beginning of the GCSE course and their Natural Forms project. Students had a lovely day learning about Henry Moore and using their sketchbooks to draw his sculptures and annotate pages about Moore’s techniques and media. The sun even came out for the group.


Serpentine and Tate Modern: A Level Art students visited both Serpentine Galleries in the morning of the 4th October before heading to the new Tate Modern in the afternoon. They were exposed to many contextual references and were encouraged to explore various contemporary artists to support their coursework projects.

Also in Trips

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JAN 13, 2023

Junior Ski Trip

Starting the New Year with a bang, 143 students from Years 8, 9 and 10 enjoyed an amazing week of skiing in Le Deux Alpes, France. With five hours of skiing each day, as well as a fun-filled evening programme, all the students made amazing progress across the course of the week. Our beginner groups, […]

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JUN 15, 2022

Biology Field Trip

Year 12 biologists had a busy weekend with glorious weather carrying out field studies at Juniper Hall, Surrey. Students performed studies on the impact of coppicing on the woodland habitats of Box Hill, the effect of trampling on succession at Mickleham Downs and carried out freshwater invertebrate studies on the river Tillingbourne. There was still […]

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OCT 8, 2021

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Last weekend a group of 28 year 11s completed their Bronze DofE expedition in the Chilterns. Despite very wet and cold weather the four teams managed to successfully navigate their way around the planned routes, learning some valuable navigating and personal skills along the way. After the first day of hiking, the teams had to […]

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