Aldenham School, Founded 1597

Business Society welcomes entrepreneur

It's great to see that the School is still able to carry on business as usual during these trying times. This week's speaker at the Aldenham Business Society was Mr Henry Higgins, entrepreneur and councillor for Hillingdon, who came in to talk about his business ventures with particular relevance to Hillingdon Libraries. Mr Higgins was responsible for an increase of over 150% in visitor numbers. By using acute business acumen he also saved the council millions of pounds as well as restoring popularity.

He finished his talk by fielding questions from an enthused A level audience, leaving a take-away message that profit can take many forms - not just in monitory terms. In this case it was also the benefit to the community.

The evening was rounded off with the presentation of Economics ties and badges to a number of Sixth Form boys and girls in recognition of their excellence within the subject.

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