Cambridge Professor speaks at Les Philosophes

Les Philosophes welcomed Dr Peter Wothers, teaching fellow at St Catharine’s College Cambridge, to talk about The Periodic Table, 1869-2019. This year has been designated as the international year of the Periodic Table to commemorate the 150th anniversary of its creation by Dmitry Mendeleev.

Our eager audience, which included 40 Sixth form students from St George’s School in Harpenden, was enthralled as Dr Wothers regaled us with history in the making and were literally in our element taking part in demonstrations showing off some of the weird and wonderful properties of what makes up our world.

As well as being a prominent chemist and educator, Dr Wothers is known for presenting the 2012 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures and for organising the International Chemistry Olympiad, for which he was appointed an MBE for services to chemistry.

Also in Sixth Form

Sixth Form featured-image-template-15-Careers-Fair
MAY 24, 2024

Careers Fair

Giving young people an insight into the realities of working life and the range of careers that lie ahead of them is a central strand in the preparation we give them for life beyond school. On Thursday we hosted a Careers Fair for Years 10 and 12 which set out to do just that. With […]

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Sixth Form 01featured-image-Sixth-Form-dinner
SEP 23, 2019

An Elizabethan Banquet

120 Sixth Form students – from both Year 12 and Year 13 – were lucky enough to enjoy another splendid edition of our annual Sixth Form Dinner on Friday 20 September. This year the theme was Queen Elizabeth I; some superb props (including a throne, a brass canon and some Elizabethan costumes) arranged by the […]

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Sixth Form --01featured-image-Careers-Fair
SEP 27, 2018

Careers Fair at Aldenham

More than 40 organisations and over 200 students from Aldenham and neighbouring schools attended the Aldenham School Careers Fair held on Tuesday 25 September. This was a wonderful opportunity to meet recruiters, ask pertinent questions about how to enter specific professions and to find out more about employers and industries. Students were able to speak […]

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