Aldenham School, Founded 1597

Careers Fair at Aldenham

More than 40 organisations and over 200 students from Aldenham and neighbouring schools attended the Aldenham School Careers Fair held on Tuesday 25 September. This was a wonderful opportunity to meet recruiters, ask pertinent questions about how to enter specific professions and to find out more about employers and industries. Students were able to speak to employers including KPMG, Deloitte, Glamour Magazine, the John Lewis Partnership, the London Film Academy, the Royal Air Force and the NHS. Breast Cancer Now promoted the charity sector, alongside gap year organisations and finally, our very own OA entrepreneurs Oliver Jacobs and Joseph Black who exhibited as Unidosh. The evening proved to be a very busy one and was a huge success for both exhibitors and students.

The Careers Fair will be back in 2020.

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