Aldenham School, Founded 1597

Introducing new Head Boy and Head Girl

Head Boy Ted Richardson-Wells and Head Girl Phoebe Altman are looking forward to the challenges of balancing not only the academic demands of their final year at Aldenham but they are also working extremely hard to be the best heads of school that they can be.

As a weekly boarder since Year 7, Ted says this has helped him get to know pupils and staff much better. He enjoys the great community feel of living on campus and throws himself into a vast array of school activities. Sports Scholar Ted, who is captain of the 1stXI Football team and also plays in the 1stXI cricket and hockey sides, is planning to study Sports Development & Coaching at university. He is working hard in his A Levels of PE, Business and Biology in order to achieve this goal.

Phoebe is particularly excited about being the first Head Girl who is also attached to Riding’s House, the new girls’ House, where she is working hard to create a vibrant atmosphere and help establish new traditions to leave a legacy. Phoebe wants the best for all the girls across the School. She agrees that the House system is a strong part of school life. Art Scholar Phoebe is studying A Levels in English, Art and Classics which will stand her in good stead for her future career.

Both of these students had already started to shine when they were in Martineau’s where they were Head Boy and House Captain respectively.

Phoebe and Ted relished the opportunity to go on the school trip to Malawi this summer to volunteer with the charity Ripple Africa, the first time that both the Head Boy and Head Girl had done so.

Recent News

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Aldenham Foundation