EDI In Practice
At Aldenham, we take Equality, Diversity and Inclusion seriously. It is more than just special or targeted events, or days with a one-off focus (although these do happen). More, it is about how our curriculum is planned, and our thinking is focused on making sure that all have equal opportunity to thrive, and that we are able to learn from and celebrate difference – whether it be cultural, racial, religious, LGBTQ+ or neurodiversity and more. We see strength in difference rather than simply challenge.
EDI at Aldenham

JAN 29, 2021
READ MORE Pupil Responses to Amanda Gorman
Pupil Responses to Amanda Gorman
The pupils of Year 8, 9 and 11 were ask to understand the message and purpose of Amanda Gorman’s inauguration poem. By observing the message, meaning, tone and impact here are just some of the responses in the spirit of Amanda Gorman.

OCT 16, 2020
READ MORE Black History Month at Aldenham
Black History Month at Aldenham
Every year, schools use October as a time to celebrate black history whilst reinforcing messages around anti–racism. This year, however, the Aldenham community has embraced Black History Month as never before. In some ways we have been led by our students, whose articulate response to this summer’s events has inspired their teachers to think more […]

OCT 2, 2020
READ MORE Induction Trip for Girls
Induction Trip for Girls
The delayed induction trip to the Lost Jungle Crazy Golf Course was finally able to go ahead. It was a fun way for the 28 Year 9 girls in Paull’s House and Riding’s House to get to know each other better in a social setting. The girls enjoyed a sunny afternoon choosing to go on […]

JAN 29, 2020
READ MORE Holocaust Memorial Day
Holocaust Memorial Day
As part of our Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations, Aldenham hosted a group of students and teachers from Immanuel College. Some of these students had travelled to Rwanda last summer to learn about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, in which one million Rwandans were killed in just 100 days. We were also honoured to welcome […]

DEC 11, 2019
READ MORE Carols in the Abbey
Carols in the Abbey
A beautiful service of lessons and carols was enjoyed by all at St Albans Abbey. The service started with the traditional Once In Royal David’s City with the first verse sung acapella by Emilie Geissmar-Wagstaff and Dinah Styles Vickery. All ages were representing the music department with Martineau’s Choir performing lively versions of Personent Hodie […]

DEC 6, 2019
READ MORE Martineau’s Drama – The Big Questions
Martineau’s Drama – The Big Questions
At the end of a busy day of rehearsals which included sorting costumes and props for their plays on the stimulus ‘Big Questions’ in the Martineau’s Drama competition, it was time for all eight Houses to take to the stage in a crowded School Theatre. First up was Beck House with their play ‘How will […]