Ski Trip to Stowe, Vermont

February 20, 2018

After a slightly shaky start which resulted in a change of plane in Shannon Airport, the 28 pupils and 4 staff on the Senior Ski trip eventually arrived in snowy Stowe, Vermont. The impressive newly renovated resort catered brilliantly for the needs of the wide range of skiing abilities on the trip.

The advanced skiers spent 5 days skiing as much terrain as they could with their fantastic instructor, enjoying the huge variety of terrain available both on and off-piste. For those who had never been on skis before the resort provided them with fantastic opportunities and places to learn to ski that were empty and allowed them to fall as often as they needed to! The emptiness of the slopes also allowed us to join all of the pupils together for the final run of the trip – a real highlight. Our evening activities had huge variety and allowed the students to try some truly American past times, from a pizza party and tour of the Ben and Jerry’s factory, to bowling, cinema and laser tag, the trip included something for everyone. Another highlight was the quiz and awards night, with the round ‘What song is Jensen dancing to’ garnering cheers and laughter from every team.

After 5 fantastic days of skiing the group headed to New York City for 24 hours of shopping and sight seeing. Miss Brewer took the mic as tour guide here, leading the group to famous spots including Central Park, Times Square, 9/11 Memorial, the Empire State Building and Grand Central Station. Our final stop of the trip was with OA Peter Shaerf at his office on the top floor of the Chrysler Building. Students were able to experience a once in a lifetime tour of this iconic building, learning lots about its histories before taking photos like no others you will see from New York! We look forward to another exciting trip next year!

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