Students volunteer in Malawi
September 4, 2018
The annual charity trip to work with Ripple Africa in Malawi saw 20 students and four Aldenham staff embark on the 9th annual trip. Spirits were high as the group had raised a fantastic £50,000 in donations to the charity due to the hard work of the pupils, generosity of the friends and family and a valuable sponsorship from Goldman Sachs. Whilst there, they joined in many of the projects and deepened their understanding of the work of Ripple Africa. These ranged from a visit to the local fishermen for more insight into the Fish Conservation project which is saving Lake Malawi and feeding the local community; spending time with the children involved in the Disability project; a lesson in the various components of the Tree Nursery; and helping with the importance of family planning to the younger members of the community.
There were many opportunities to engage with the locals of all ages. They battled through the heat in numerous sports matches, read, painted the walls and taught nursery rhymes to the children at the local primary schools. Certainly, one of the highlights was the welcome into the warmth of the local church and listening to angelic choirs. One of the standout activities was the Day in the life of a Malawian, having the privilege to be welcomed into the homes of a student at the local secondary school and assisting them with their morning chores. It made everyone realise how fortunate they are and that happiness doesn’t come from what you have but from what you make of it.
Having spent a brilliant two weeks at Lowani beach, they said goodbye with much difficulty and moved on to rest and recuperate at South Luangwa National Park. They spotted four out of five of the Big Five on safari, wonderful!
Ali Caine commented “Ultimately, it was a life changing experience for all involved and we would like to thank everyone who supported our trip. After having this amazing experience, we are extremely keen to carry on supporting the charity.”
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