Aldenham School, Founded 1597

TeachAldenham : Improving Teaching and Learning for staff and students

Fortnightly Professional Development Breakfast Clubs have been running since April 2015. These staff-led sessions cover professional briefings and discussions over bacon rolls and croissants, about such topics as Effective Exam Feedback, Data: What is it for and how can we use it more effectively? How can we make homework more effective? Skills: How can we help students become more effective learners? Growth Mindset and Resilience: How can we help students to learn from failure?

Our commitment to Teaching and Learning has continued this year through the ongoing Assessment for Learning (AfL) programme. The AfL project supports staff through training with Dr Christine Harrison from King’s College London. Christine helps staff reflect and improve their teaching practice by learning from the research, then employing proven techniques to improve student outcomes.

It is particularly exciting that TeachAldenham is making links across the Foundation, with representatives coming from Aldenham Prep School and St Hilda’s as well as the Senior School. It certainly benefits our students when we all share our best ideas to create a real culture of celebration, learning and success.

Our sincere thanks must go to Nicola McEwan, Head of Teaching Development and French teacher, who has worked unstintingly over 9 years at Aldenham to lead and train unqualified teachers as well as supporting the TeachAldenham community. Indeed it was Nicola’s initiative which led to the first Teach Meet Aldenham back in May 2014. You can read about that exciting event at We wish Nicola well as she begins a new role as Director of Teacher Training at the University of Buckingham.

You can read more about all aspects of our work on Teaching and Learning across the Foundation by subscribing to the TeachAldenham Blog, which you can find at The blog is updated weekly during term time, with examples of good practice and examples of staff reflecting on their learning.

Recent News

8th January

Fencing Champion

12th December

Legally Blonde

5th December

Biology Club

Part of the
Aldenham Foundation