Welcome back to Life at Aldenham

September 21, 2020

It has been a genuine pleasure for us to be able to see all the pupils back in School. For the whole of last term the School was a quiet, calm, but remarkably subdued place, but from the start of term the buzz and energy of the School has returned and it is great to see.

Congratulations to new Head Girl Zoe Freedman and Head Boy Oliver Cowles

Our pupils have adapted well to the new routines that we have had to put in place to keep them and our staff safe, and it has been especially good to see our newest Year 7 pupils getting the spirit of Aldenham life very quickly.

Training for our new Praes

One major change in the life of the School has been the official beginning of another Junior House, Woodrow’s for half of the children in Year 7 and Year 8. Even though lockdown has caused a short delay on the planned completion of the new Prep School building, they will still be able to look forward to moving into the Woodrow’s House building early in 2021.

Our Activities programme is up and running very successfully and all pupils have been actively engaged in the games programme. Chapel services are again taking place starting with Year 7 which has been followed by year group assemblies in Chapel.

Slowly but surely everyone is settling into the new normal of school routines.

Also in General News

General News IMG_1017
MAR 11, 2025

Felt Workshop

The Art department was thrilled to welcome the incredibly talented artist Ann-Marie Abbate for an exhilarating Stretch and Challenge workshop! Art students and Ambassadors had an amazing time diving into the intricate skill of needle felting. They crafted stunning natural form skulls, which not only allowed them to unleash their creativity but also helped in […]

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General News IMG_0322
FEB 18, 2025

House Maths

House Maths concluded yesterday with 50 of our Senior Elite Mathematicians competing in the final relay and individual rounds of the event. As usual the competition was high and the energy in the room was palpable as they worked feverishly through lots of challenging problems. It is always lovely to see the STEM students working […]

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General News IMG_8194 netball 3000
FEB 14, 2025

Netball Finalists

Our 1st VII squad travelled to KCS Wimbledon to compete in their semi-final SNS National Vase game. Tensions were running high, as the girls spent the morning talking tactics. The team showed incredible resilience, determination and outstanding performance throughout the game. Every girl in the squad had game time, and all contributed to a strong […]

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